Making the transition from primary to secondary school easier for your child

School   ›   Making the transition from primary to secondary school easier for your child

Starting high school is a big transition for everyone. Everything changes; from daily life to a new workload, and at the same time as everyone else is also going through major changes! People at this time experience many new things over which they have little control. For some youth, this transition may be something they've been looking forward to for a long time; making new friends, going to a new school, etc. However, for others, starting at a new school can open up a whole new world of worries. Here are three tips to make the transition from elementary to high school easier for your child.

Prepare for the Transition into High School

At the end of the school year, your child’s teacher may have already begun some of the preparations for this transition. 


So, why not ask your kid about what has been covered so far to learn a little more about what they are focusing on, and to help them reinforce the information that might be most useful to them?


Building Autonomy 

By the time your child reaches high school they should have some level of independence, but suddenly increasing this autonomy can be intimidating for them. The important thing is to provide them with the tools they need to face these new challenges, while adapting to the new pace. The right tools will allow them to take on more responsibility while also feeling supported. If your teenager is very worried about starting high school, and has been feeling this way for some time, you can try to identify what is causing them the most distress and then assess whether they are well founded fears, together. If they are, it is always easier to find ways to deal with them as a team. Your child may have questions about very concrete aspects of their changing world, like travelling between classes and locations within a bigger school, or how to deal with older students, or concerns about their future workload and relationships with new teachers. Don't be afraid to ask them if there is anything they themselves can do to make these unfamiliar areas seem less intimidating, and then encourage them in their efforts.


Reassess Your own Expectations

It's helpful to reflect on our expectations, our role, and our responsibility, as all three of these components will change as well. It’s only natural that this transition will also be an important period of adjustment for you as a parent too. So, if you need help or support in thinking about this, you can always talk to a LigneParents counsellor.

Is your teen stressed out getting back to school? Geneviève, one of our Tel-jeunes Parents professionals, gives you some tips in this short video.

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