Getting on better with your brother or sister

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Although disputes are short-lived and things usually improve with time, the relationship with your brother or sister can sometimes be a real challenge! Here are some ideas to build the best possible relationship.

Why are we always arguing?

Different factors can create conflict between you and your sister or brother.



Whether we like it or not, we spend a lot of time with our sibling(s), and they can get on our nerves!


Age difference

Being very close or very far in age can result in differences in interests and values, which can lead to conflict.


Character traits

Just because you’re siblings, it doesn’t mean you resemble each other 📗 📖 📔 , and that’s normal. Sometimes these differences can lead to tension.


Having a brother or sister means living with someone who’s different from you. And since you can’t escape, you might as well learn to live together!


Learning how to live with differences will be very useful to you in various situations in your life. There will always be people you don’t like much or find it hard to get along with. Having a sibling is a great opportunity to practise!


How to get on better with my brother or sister?

  • Tell your sibling what you’re feeling. You can also talk to a close friend; he/she might have some good advice.
  • Together with your sibling, find solutions that will satisfy both of you.
  • Talk to your parents, because they can act as mediators and help you find solutions.
  • When your sibling bugs you, try to ignore him/her and just walk away.
  • If you’re mad, clear your head by going for a walk, to the movies, or out with friends.


If your sibling is younger than you:


  • Congratulate and encourage him/her.
  • Don’t order him/her about; instead, make polite requests.
  • Spend time with him/her: he/she thinks you’re cool!
  • Do things he/she likes.
  • Let him/her make mistakes and learn.


If your sibling is older than you, it can be helpful to:


  • Respect his/her peace and privacy.
  • If you want something, ask for it nicely and don’t repeat it over and over again.
  • Tell him/her you like it when he/she helps you or spends time with you.