I woke up with drops on my underwear

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You might have woken up to discover your sheets and/or underwear are wet: don't panic! We're talking about nocturnal emissions.

A nocturnal emission, more commonly called a "wet dream," is an involuntary ejaculation of semen during sleep.

If this happens to you, don't worry: it's a completely normal and frequent phenomenon, especially during puberty. During this time of big changes, the body produces a lot of sperm, and nocturnal emissions are a natural way to evacuate the surplus.

Unsettling, but completely normal!


Although more frequent during adolescence, nocturnal emissions can happen at any age. They generally occur during REM sleep, which is the sleep phase where you dream the most. But it’s not necessarily linked to an erotic dream.

It can be unsettling and uncomfortable to experience this for the first time, especially if you're not expecting it. Know that it's an experience that a lot of people go through and you don’t have to be embarrassed. We clean the sheets and we’re ready for other good nights of sleep 😉

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