Is porn like real sex?

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Pornography is a fictionalized and exaggerated version of sexuality. Why is porn so far from reality? Find out in this article. 

Pornography is far from realistic. 🦄 In fact, it doesn’t have much to do with real life. Everything’s scripted: the girl is always ready to do whatever the guy wants her to do. There’s little or no foreplay and consent is almost never asked for.


In real life, you’re not always super-aroused or ready to do anything. In porn, the actors are made-up, positioned, and retouched. The scenes are often filmed many times to give the impression that the action’s lasting for a long time.


Little or no communication

In porn, communication is limited or nonexistent and there usually aren’t any affectionate acts. If you try to do the same thing in your own sex life, you’re likely to hit the wall! It’s essential to communicate with your partner to find out his/her tastes and share pleasure together.


In addition, you never see the actors make mistakes, talk to each other, or ask questions. They all seem to be on autopilot! In a real relationship, each person has their own say in creating a mood that will make it easy to get close to each other.


Overly “perfect” bodies

Maybe you’re attracted to pornography because you find it beautiful to watch, but the actors are often chosen because they have specific kinds of bodies or they’ve been transformed by plastic surgery (for example, the actresses’ big breasts or their labia, which are still small, even very small, whereas they get longer in puberty). Actors are also chosen because they have bigger penises than most men. In reality, not many people are built like that!


Penetration as the be-all and end-all 🌭 🌮 

Porn really emphasizes penetration. However, in real sex, there’s a lot more than penetration! In fact, penetration isn’t even obligatory. There are also oral sex and mutual masturbation, for example. In addition, anal sex (sodomy) is very common in porn. In reality, not that many people do it. You’ll also notice that condom use is rare, whereas it’s important to protect yourself against BBSTIs or unplanned pregnancy.


To sum up, from one scene to the next, the actors’ behaviour is often predictable, and the orgasms are pretty unrealistic 🚀🚀🚀🚀.  🙄You need to remember all these things when you watch porn, so it doesn’t warp your view of reality.