How do I tell my parents I want to go to therapy?




Me and my parents were never close like I can’t talk to them about guy stuff not even to my mom. But these past few weeks I’ve wanted to go to therapy because I feel like I have anxiety and depression and I would love to talk about it to someone who can help me. But I’m worried that they’ll be worried and ask me if everything’s going ok at school? Thank you so much for reading and please help thank you ❤️


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    TisaneBienveillante10 alltheme

    Ado TJ·elle/elle·17 ans

    Hi ViolonPersuasive3 :)
    What you are living doesn't look easy at all. You have such a good reflex to ask for therapy, it is exactly what I think you should do. But I understand it can really be difficult to talk about it to your parents… This is absolutely normal not to know how to bring up the subject, you are not the only one to live this.

    So my idea is to write them a letter. Maybe it will be easier to talk about it with words you already thought of than being in front of them and scared of their reaction, who knows! You could write in it that you don’t really want them to bombard you with questions, that you just do not feel great and need their help. It just depends on how you feel the most comfortable : speaking or writing. Or it can even be neither of them! What I mean is that you could maybe look for a documentary, an article, a movie or a song on the topic of anxiety and depression, and show it to your parents so they can better understand your reality. I am sure there are so many on the Internet that you could easily find ;)

    Also, I don’t know if you know it, but if you are 14 or more, you can see a doctor, a psychologist, a counselor or any health professional without your parents’ consent. The “meeting” will be confidential and unless it is very serious, the doctor does not have the right to inform your parents of it. But you know, there aren't only psychologists to help you, there are also all your school therapists, Tel-Jeunes and many other phone services that you can contact. I give you the link to a 24/7 mental health service offered in English and French right here if you want to look at it :

    I hope my message will help you a bit :) If there’s anything else you would like to share, we’ll always be there for you, never forget that. I wish you will feel better soon. Take care of yourself ❤

    P-S : I’m so sorry for my English, let’s say it isn’t my best school subject ;)
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    elle/elle·16 ans

    It's not easy what you're experiencing.. I think it's really good of you that you want to go see a psychologist, it's really a good idea. I would like to start by telling you that if you are 14 years old and + I believe that you can go to the CLSC without your parents knowing. I also advise you to try to tell your parents in a simple and respectful way. If they do not listen and do not understand, I advise you to go talk to a TES at school! I hope I helped!
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    RoseSympathique7 alltheme

    Ado TJ·elle/elle·18 ans

    Hope you are doing a little better today :/

    I totally understand how you feel. Know that you are not alone in this and that you are right when you say you want to talk to someone to be understood. That's a feeling everybody wants so I think it's normal you feel that way.

    I loved the letter idea. Could be something that would help your parents to have a reflexion on.

    I hope it's gonna be okay and that you will find the help you need. By the way, I just wanted to add that there may be someone at school like a psychologist or someone like that that you could try to talk to.

    I hope I helped you! Remember we are here if you need anything :)) Take care xx

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    Mon père m’énerve

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    elle/elle·17 ans

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    Comment l’aborder ?

    Bonjour. encore moi !! Je vais mieux depuis mon dernier message que j’avais fait ici. Juste pour tenir au courant, j’ai décidé de rester avec la personne que j’aime vraiment c’est a dire celui dont je parle depuis le début (encore merciiii pour l’aide).

    Cette fois ci, j’ai un problème d’un autre style. Pour tout dire, un de mes amis avaient un crush sur une amie. Il m’en avait parlé hier. Sauf qu’il était presque sûr que ce n’était pas réciproque. Et il avait raison.. Ce matin, j’ai parlé a la fille (mon ami m’avait demandé d’enquêter) et elle m’a dit qu’elle le considérait comme un simple ami. « De toute façon, j’ai déjà mon combat au collège. » Elle m’a même confié qu’il était un peu bizzare avec elle,du genre qu’il croyait toujours qu’elle le pecho. Maintenant, je suis supposée parler de ça a mon ami. Même si je voulais le cacher, je ne pourrais pas car ça me ferait trop mal de le voir confiant alors qu’en fait, elle en a rien a faire de lui..

    Je n’ai pas envie de lui dire directement du genre « Tu sais je voulais te dire..elle ne t’aime pas ». De un, je trouve que ça fait un peu trop brusque et de deux, cet ami a des tas de problèmes ces temps ci, disons que je n’aimerais pas qu’il fasse une bêtise après que je lui ai fait part de cette nouvelle. Alors je voudrais avoir un peu d’aide pour savoir comment aborder ce sujet sans qu’il pense à des idées suicidaires ou autre. Merci d’avance !!!

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    Ado TJ·elle/elle·17 ans

    La journée mondiale sans voiture !!🌎♻

    Faisons une pause avec notre voiture et adoptons un mode de vie écolo : vélo, marche ou transports en commun. C’est notre nouvelle vibe !! 🤩🙌

    C’est aussi une excellente occasion de réfléchir à d’autres gestes simples pour notre planète. Personnellement, j’utilise une bouteille réutilisable, je minimise le plastique et je recycle au maximum. 🌱✔

    Et vous, quel petit changement avez-vous fait pour soutenir l’environnement ? Partageons nos bonnes actions et inspirons-nous mutuellement.

    Faisons de cette journée sans voiture un moment mémorable et positif pour tous, une action à la fois. 😉💚💚